New - Retractable Carbon Camera Boom
Now, a third option for our very successful camera booms! In the fall we added what we called a MODULAR carbon camera boom - our first carbon offering. Those simply two carbon rods inside each other and DOUBLES the length of our original aluminum camera boom.
We have now added a RETRACTABLE option as well! These may be a limited time only offering as we want to see how well they are received. The outboard carbon boom slides nicely inside the inboard carbon rod and we have drilled three positions for the rods to be anchored to give the pilot the options as to what length they set before flight. We only manufactured one dozen of these so get them while they last!
Keep in mind that our booms don't use any sort of line attached to the nose of the hang glider for stability. They are the simplest and most stable booms out there...the only ones made specifically for hang gliders!
Order online here
The two carbon configurations are almost twice as long as the aluminum option, only about 10% heavier and bounce LESS.
All three boom options and all basetube options are finally all in stock and ready to ship as soon as you enter the order. Here are some examples of the expanded field of view with our carbon boom.
Ontario, Canada
Our original aluminum boom is still available and will continue to be as it offers a great field of view, is easy to transport, is super strong and is the least expensive option. It takes fantastic pics and vids! Why don't we make the aluminum ones longer? We tested varying lengths when we first made them and found if we made them any longer, the videos started to bounce....also the shipping costs of mailing something any longer got prohibitively more expensive.