Ícaro SkyRunner
Icaro's Classic: disponible desde 1998.
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Carcasa fabricada con resistentes capas de fibra de vidrio SkyRunner, un casco construido utilizando la misma tecnología que en aplicaciones militares, incluyendo fibra de vidrio de alto módulo y poliestirol de alta densidad para garantizar los más altos estándares de seguridad posibles.
Current Inventory Levels
**if stock of zero is shown and you can still add the item to you cart, you can place the order and we will advise on a delivery time
Ask a Question-
Hi! Do you plan on getting more skyrunners in stock? Looking for a size small! Thanks!
We place orders many times a year with Icaro and can order anytime for you. Delivery times are about six weeks as we often group orders together.